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Founders Shooting Club is an exclusive gun club and firing range in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. We provide our members with a wide range of amenities and features you won’t find anywhere else. As a member, you’ll be treated like a VIP whenever you join us. Our team is committed to providing an unforgettable experience for every member. Whether you’re practicing on the firing range, working on your muscle-building plan in our health spa, or just relaxing in our lounge after a day at work, you can do so in comfort and luxury. Discover what it means to be a member at Founders Shooting Club.

VIP Membership in Founders Shooting Club

To learn about membership or to book a personal tour of the club, please use the form on the right to contact our Vice President of Membership, Simon George.

5320 Powerline Road
Suite 120
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

Phone / Text


Open 24 Hours

Initiation fee: One-time initiation fee

Dues: $229 per month

Includes: Unlimited use of the range with no lane fees and use of the other amenities in the club. Please see our FAQ page for answers to common questions.

The first 20 VIP members that join in September will receive $1,000 off of initiation fee!

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Limited memberships are available now.

Sign up today!