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Founders Shooting Club is proud to present our annual Wagyu dinner with the owners and ranchers of Florida’s only 100% full blooded Wagyu Ranch – 9 Line Farms.

The Madden Family have built this small business raising Fullblood Wagyu to produce meat that is the healthiest and most delicious you can buy. The farm, located in Bonifay, Florida is a lush 330 acre ecosystem of wildlife and fertile pastures, providing the optimal environment for the raising of their animals.

9 Line Farms was named from Wes’s prior service as a decorated Army Aeromedical Evacuation (MEDEVAC) Pilot. In combat, the “9 Line Medevac Request” is the military equivalent of dialing 911 on the battlefield. Day or night, good weather or bad, regardless of the threat, if a call came in for help, Wes and his fellow MEDEVAC crew would launch their Black Hawk helicopter and be inbound.

Their passion is raising the highest quality Wagyu beef with 100% pure Japanese genetics. Their herd was founded directly from the prominent Tajima and Kedaka lines, known for producing the highest amounts of marbling, tenderness, and exquisite flavor. They allow their cattle to grow naturally in order to maximize the superior meat qualities intrinsic to the Wagyu breed.

Almost all of the Wagyu that consumers eat in restaurants and buy in stores is not 100% Fullblood Wagyu. The vast majority of Wagyu in todays market is from a 50% Angus and 50% Wagyu cross known in the industry as F1, or crossbred. F-2 in the industry is also known as crossbred, or 75% Wagyu. Even a “purebred” Wagyu in the United States only needs to qualify as 93.75% Wagyu.

There are less than 5,000 Fullblood Wagyu in the U.S. Come enjoy this rarity with us here at Founders.

Five Course Wagyu Dinner
Saturday, October 28th 2023
@ 7:30pm

Limited to 96 Seats
$265 pp ++

($331.25 pp including tax and 18% gratuity)

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